How Long Can I Receive Respite Care Services?

Relief services are limited to 480 hours per person per state fiscal year. This maximum number of hours of rest applies even if a person changes exemption programs. Depending on the situation, a few hours a week or even overnight stays may be allowed. Home services can be provided with voluntary or paid help, either occasionally, as needed, or on a regular basis.

Services can last anywhere from a few hours to one night, and can be arranged directly or through an agency. This popular rest option allows your loved one to stay in their own home while they continue to receive care, and it can be very valuable to you as a primary caregiver.

Temporary care services

can provide temporary relief when caregivers need to stop providing support to family members with serious health problems. You should be able to install some sensors in your area to find out if local resources can provide you with respite care assistance.

It is important to research what your specific insurance plan allows in terms of respite care and how many hours they will pay for it. Different options for temporary care and funding for the elderly are available. Whether it's a few hours a week or an extended vacation, seeking temporary care can help ease the burden of family care and relieve stress, restore energy and promote balance in your life. You should check the Medicaid guidelines and exemption programs available in your state to see if you can receive respite care benefits.

Use checklists to inform respite care providers about your loved one's schedules, likes, and dislikes. Establishing the type, skills, frequency, and location of respite services is critical to ensure that you receive the right support and that your loved one continues to receive the best care. Whatever your needs, respite care options are available to help you take a break from your care duties. However, Medicaid won't cover temporary care if, for example, a person goes to an assisted living facility because their family is moving out of town.

Home assistants are limited by the number of hours they can work, but there's no limit to how long you can use foster care services (as long as you're willing to have different people come to your home to cover different shifts). Or, foster care may involve finding volunteers or paid caregivers to provide home services to your loved one, either on an occasional or regular basis. Some adult day care centers may also be open at night or on weekends to provide a break for caregivers who don't work 9 to 5 hours. If you seek relief services on time and often, you'll be better able to maintain interests outside the care of your loved one and preserve your own identity.

Respite care can be done in your own home, in day care centers, or in residential or nursing facilities that offer overnight stays.