What Services Does Respite Care Provide?

Respite care is a short-term relief option for primary caregivers, providing them with a much-needed break from the demands of caring for a sick, elderly, or disabled family member. It can be organized for one afternoon or for several days or weeks, and can be provided at home, at a health care facility, or at an adult day center. Respite care can help ease the burden of family care and relieve stress, restore energy, and promote balance in life. It can also prevent caregivers from becoming exhausted, isolated, or overwhelmed. Foster care is a form of short-term replacement care that provides temporary relief to caregivers.

These short breaks in care tasks can be critical to maintaining a positive attitude for caregivers, as they have to juggle a lot of obligations, some of which are incredibly stressful. There are long-term rest options that last from several weeks to a month. If you seek relief services on time and often, you'll be better able to maintain interests outside the care of your loved one and preserve your own identity. Flexible respite care options make it easy to find a provider and environment that's right for you and your loved one. Professional and dedicated caregivers will take a flexible approach when planning and scheduling services to ensure that you and your loved one receive the respite care you need.

A Visiting Angels care coordinator will offer you a free, no-obligation home care consultation to discover and determine the services you need. Like adult day care, foster care at home can be useful for caregivers who also work outside the home and don't want to leave their elderly loved ones alone at home. The program offers community-based temporary care services and helps these children make the transition to adulthood. Seniors receive personalized care from professional caregivers if they choose to use respite care at home. Visiting the Angels Respite Care Center can also help reduce the risk of caregiver burnout without compromising the quality of home support your loved one receives. Some caregivers may seek a break so they can work outside the home or take care of their personal tasks and errands.

Foster care is the perfect way to ease care tasks a little while maintaining your important role as your loved one's primary caregiver. Adult day care respite services are great for caregivers who also work outside the home and need daytime coverage or for those who need a break to do their personal tasks.