How Many Respite Hours Can Caregivers in Virginia Receive in a Year?

Respite services are only available when the regular unpaid caregiver needs a break. According to the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), an unpaid caregiver can receive no more than 480 hours of respite services in a fiscal year. When the relief service is provided on a regular basis, the supervisory visit for the personal assistance service can also serve as a supervisory visit for the respite service. Adult foster care providers will not provide respite services for DMAS to reimburse someone living in that foster home. When the respite service is not received routinely, but is episodic in nature, the supervisor will make the initial home visit with the relief.

Funding for respite services is provided through Virginia's home and community exemption system, and respite hours are limited to 480 hours per calendar year. The supervisor or service facilitator, as appropriate, will review the use of the relay service every six months or when 240 hours of relief service are used, whichever comes first. Respite care is temporary substitute care that is usually provided on a short-term basis to temporarily relieve the primary caregiver.